Saturday, August 20, 2011

Not so bloggy blogger

So, apparently keeping a blog is not my forte. I don't think that one blog every two months does a blogger make. I am going to try to be better at it...really. I mean, give a girl a break. I was busy this summer contributing to society by spending hours on end on pinterest.But enough of the excuses...

Tonight I had a hot date with the biggest coo-coo I know, my mother. We went to our favorite Italian eatery and went to see the movie, "One Day". As I am sure I could fill this entire entry with words of wisdom and thought provoking questions from Momsey, (ie: What did he look like in the book?--quite certain it wasn't a picture book), instead, I'm going to give you my opinion of it.

I read the book One Day by David Nicholls in two days. Keep in mind it was summer vacation, and most of it was on a 3 hour plane ride, but this is no short story ladies and gentleman. It's somewhere around 450 pages. Let's do a little math, shall we? 450 pages + ADHD = good luck finishing a book within a month. NOT TRUE! I could not put this book down. I fell in love with the characters, the story, and just could not get enough. I don't think I've loved  characters so much since Ron, Hermione and Harry came in to my life...but Dexter and Emma immediately stole my heart. It's fast paced, quick and quirky (I know you cannot imagine why I would like a book like that). The book chronicles Dex and Emma over a twenty year span. Now, I'm not going to go into much detail about the book, because you HAVE to read it. But...about the movie....

I was so excited to see two of my favorite fictional people on the big screen! I swear I was counting down the days until it came out....and just like a kid who impatiently waits for Christmas morning to find their only present is socks, what was I left with?? Disappointment. There is no way someone who hasn't read the book could ever appreciate the story of One Day. You hardly get to know any of the characters, especially our leading man and lady, they leave out HUGE parts, and filter out the story line. Yes, you'll get the jist of it, might shed a tear or two, but not the buckets of them that would fall if you read the book. (Well, not true. The woman next to me with the twizzlers, pop corn and large coke was boo-hooing. But I honestly can't tell you if it's from the movie or her realization that she just guzzled a days worth of calories in a two hour time span).

I guess the moral of this entry the book. Seriously worth your time. See the movie after, because it is nice to be reconnected with your fictional buddies on the big screen. But after reading the book, you'll appreciate them more and have a better understanding of what's going on.

You will not however find out "What they look like" by reading it....sorry mom.